ESD Consultancy 环境可持续性设计顾问

An integrated sustainable approach forms the basis of the process of environmentally sustainable design, considering a triple bottom line view of sustainability to deliver high performance buildings – Economic, Environmental and Social.

From the initial project conception stage to post construction and occupancy stage, this advice is provided in all stages of the development process, to meet the project objectives and goals. We work in unison with the entire team to identify suitable sustainable design strategies for the project, test the suitability and viability through the use of diagnostic tools, calculations and simulations for informed decision making of design solutions.

By engaging with projects at the holistic level, we seek to deliver sustainable buildings driven by consideration for the climate, people, design, environment, suitable systems & technology and ease of management. Our services can be tailored to suit your objectives – from cost effective compliance and achieving a specific green building certification, through to the delivery of a high performing net zero energy building.

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